Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The return Midnight - Vampire Diaries #7

Vampire Diaries

The living group of Fells Church friends return to find their town where they belong in. Meredith makes a terrible discovery in her search and Bonnie has a body experience which can see what's going on, while they have all hope in Damon as he has  became human again. Matt take down Caroline while Elena has to face the most important question of her life and she is stuck on choosing who does she really belong with? Stefan or Damon? This is a question she must ask herself through the past few months being confused about this made her worry even more than now that she's a vampire. One point in the book something happens with Elena and Damon but Damon can't remember but Elena does and she plans on not telling anybody. It is though that they talked and possibly kiss but nothing more than that and it has her stuck on who she wants to be with.

Some strange magic made Damon a human again and is willing to do anything even go back to hell to become a vampire again. However, Elena is still thinking on who she wants to be with and is thinking of it day by day as the days go harder Damon gets himself stuck in a time where he travels to the past and meets his mother who got killed when the people from the old town knew she was a vampire. Later bonnie brings Damon's mother back to the present on accident when she returns from where Damon was stuck in . Bonnie in order to get out she had to do a ritual to get out from the past cutting her hand and putting blood she returns to her life again.

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